Case Spotlight September 2024

Case Spotlight September 2024

At Disability Law Group, we understand that the journey to securing Social Security Disability benefits can be long and challenging, but we never give up on our clients. We are thrilled to share the story of a recent victory that exemplifies the dedication and persistence of our team. Attorney Erika Riggs recently secured a favorable decision for our 55-year-old client from Carleton, Michigan, after somewhat of a legal battle that included multiple hearings and an Appeals Council review.

Our client initially applied for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) on November 30, 2020, alleging disability dating back to March 3, 2008. He has a high school education and a work history as a roller setter and saw operator, jobs that are generally considered light to medium in exertion and unskilled to semi-skilled in nature. Unfortunately, a combination of severe mental health impairments, including dysthymic disorder, PTSD, bipolar I disorder, and antisocial personality disorder, rendered him unable to maintain employment.

After his initial hearing in September 2022, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) issued a favorable decision. However, the Appeals Council reviewed the case and remanded it, stating that there was insufficient evidence to support the ALJ’s conclusion. This setback could have been disheartening, but Attorney Riggs remained steadfast in her commitment to our client’s case.

During the second hearing, Attorney Riggs effectively cross-examined a Medical Expert (ME) who had reviewed the client’s extensive medical history. The ME testified that due to the claimant’s fluctuating symptoms and the severity of his bad days, he would likely be absent from work at least two days each month. This level of absenteeism, as confirmed by the Vocational Expert (VE), would preclude him from maintaining any form of employment. The ALJ agreed, once again finding our client disabled.

Our client’s medical records paint a vivid picture of his struggles. He has been receiving consistent treatment at Southwest Solutions for over a year, where he has been diagnosed with severe mood swings, depression, paranoia, anxiety, and psychosis. His symptoms include periods of isolation, talking to himself, fatigue, aggressive behavior, and difficulty interacting with others. Despite regular adjustments to his medications, his conditions have not improved significantly, and he continues to experience significant challenges in daily life.

The consultative examiner’s report, which was a focal point of the post-hearing proceedings, initially downplayed the severity of our client’s impairments by suggesting only mild limitations. However, the examiner also noted that our client would require external support and job training to cope with his mental health issues, which is inherently work-preclusive. Attorney Riggs skillfully highlighted the inconsistencies in the examiner’s report, pointing out the disconnect between the suggested mild limitations and the need for substantial workplace support.

Ultimately, Attorney Riggs successfully argued that our client’s mental impairments meet the criteria for Listing 12.04, which covers mood disorders, including bipolar disorder. His symptoms, such as severe depression, lack of energy, and suicidal thoughts, have led to marked limitations in his ability to concentrate, interact with others, and manage daily tasks. Additionally, the need for external support and job training would render him unable to sustain employment.

After thorough consideration of all the evidence, the new ALJ issued a favorable decision, acknowledging the severity of our client’s conditions and granting him the benefits he so desperately needed.

This case is a powerful reminder that perseverance and attention to detail can make all the difference in securing a positive outcome. At Disability Law Group, we are committed to fighting for our clients every step of the way, no matter how long or difficult the journey may be. If you or someone you love is struggling to obtain Social Security Disability benefits, our team is here to help.


Disability Law Group exclusively specializes in helping disabled individuals get the disability benefits they deserve. Unfortunately, people go through what seems like an uphill battle to win their disability case. We know the fight and we know it well.