Case Spotlight 2September 2024

Case Spotlight 2 September 2024

At Disability Law Group, we are dedicated to securing the benefits our clients deserve, and we are proud to share a recent case win that resulted in more than $100,000 in back-pay benefits with the help of Attorney Erika Riggs, law clerk Alanis Smith, and our incredible team. This win highlights our commitment and expertise. Our client, a 51-year-old veteran from Sterling Heights, Michigan, recently received a fully favorable decision on his application for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, following a recent hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), bringing much-needed financial relief, Medicare insurance coverage, and recognition of his severe disabilities.

Our client’s journey began when he filed for SSDI benefits on January 10, 2022, alleging disability dating back to September 30, 2018. At that time, he was 45 years old, with a distinguished career in the Navy as a senior petty officer and recruiter. However, his service and subsequent health issues left him unable to work. His medical history is extensive and complex, including multiple impairments that have severely impacted his quality of life and functional capacity.

Among the most significant of his impairments are a C4-C7 fusion, chronic pain in his neck, back, and hips, and severe radiculopathy affecting his lower and upper extremities. His condition is so debilitating that he is 100% service-connected through the Department of Veterans Affairs, a testament to the severity of his disabilities. Over the years, he has faced numerous challenges, including frequent falls, constant pain that disrupts his sleep, and an inability to perform even basic activities of daily living without assistance.

The evidence supporting his claim was overwhelming, documenting years of medical treatments, consultations, and diagnostic tests that highlighted the progressive nature of his impairments. From MRIs showing disc protrusions and spinal stenosis to consultations confirming his limited mobility and chronic pain, the medical records painted a clear picture of a man whose life had been dramatically altered by his conditions.

One particularly compelling piece of evidence was the Medical Source Statement from his physician assistant, which detailed the extent of his limitations. She reported that our client could not sit, stand, or walk for more than two hours in an eight-hour workday and would need frequent breaks due to pain. Additionally, his impairments would cause him to be off-task for more than 25% of the workday, with frequent absences expected due to his health issues.

Given the overwhelming evidence and the severity of his impairments, we requested an on-record fully favorable decision, arguing that our client’s disabilities precluded him from performing any substantial gainful activity. We emphasized his inability to sustain work due to his pain, balance issues, and cognitive impairments resulting from sleep disturbances and chronic discomfort.

We are pleased to report that the judge granted our request, issuing a fully favorable decision without the need for a hearing. This outcome not only provides our client with the financial support he needs but also affirms the reality of his disabilities and the challenges he faces daily.

This case is a powerful reminder of the importance of thorough preparation and the presentation of compelling evidence in disability claims. At Disability Law Group, we are committed to fighting for our clients and ensuring they receive the benefits they have earned. If you or a loved one are struggling with a disability and need assistance with your claim, our team is here to help.

Disability Law Group exclusively specializes in helping disabled individuals get the disability benefits they deserve. Unfortunately, people go through what seems like an uphill battle to win their disability case. We know the fight and we know it well.