Attorney Farrah

Case Spotlight: Attorney Farrah Abonda Secures Victory for Client with Chiari Malformation

Disability Law Group proudly announces a significant victory achieved by Attorney Farrah Abona in securing disability benefits for a 52-year-old client diagnosed with Chiari Malformation, Type 1. The case, which had previously faced multiple denials, culminated in a fully favorable decision at the hearing phase, resulting in over $72,000 in back pay and ongoing benefits.

The client, a dedicated professional with a lifelong career in Human Resources, began experiencing debilitating symptoms, including severe headaches, neck stiffness, and pain. Despite undergoing surgery intended to alleviate these symptoms, her condition worsened, leading to chronic daily headaches, blurred vision, dizziness, and brain fog. The impact of these symptoms on her ability to work was profound, leaving her unable to continue her career.

The client initially applied for disability benefits but was met with denials at both the initial application and reconsideration phases. The complexity of her medical condition and the failure of surgery to resolve her symptoms posed significant challenges in securing the benefits she desperately needed.

Attorney Farrah Abona and the team at Disability Law Group meticulously reviewed the client’s medical records, work history, and the progression of her symptoms. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive and compelling presentation, Attorney Abona outlined the client’s extensive career, the onset and worsening of her condition, and the unsuccessful surgical intervention.

Through detailed evidence and a persuasive argument, Attorney Abona effectively demonstrated that the client’s condition had not improved post-surgery, as evidenced by the worsening symptoms documented in her medical records. This thorough approach was pivotal in challenging the initial denials.

The turning point in the case occurred during the hearing phase, where Attorney Abona’s presentation of the client’s situation convinced the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) of the severity and impact of her condition. The ALJ’s fully favorable decision not only secured over $72,000 in back pay for the client but also ensured she would receive ongoing benefits to support her in the future.

This case exemplifies the dedication and expertise of Disability Law Group in advocating for clients facing complex medical conditions. Attorney Farrah Abona’s success in this case underscores the firm’s commitment to achieving just outcomes for those in need.

For more information on how Disability Law Group can assist with disability claims, contact us today.

Disability Law Group exclusively specializes in helping disabled individuals get the disability benefits they deserve. Unfortunately, people go through what seems like an uphill battle to win their disability case. We know the fight and we know it well.